CSIT requires a lot less math than computer Science
CSIT is usually taught as a combo of business and computer courses
and the computer courses usually aren't as in depth as those for a CS major
but sometimes CSIT is taught as "Computer Science Lite"
so the focus is on computers, networking, programming and databases, but it's still not as in depth as CS
you can get plenty of pure programming jobs with a CSIT degree
you won't be qualified to write Apple's or MS's next operating system, but you'll be more than qualified to develop web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, and database programs for Apple, MS, Android and linux
of course if you go to a school where the IT degree has a business focus and makes you take Intro to Accounting 1 and 2 and Intro to Finance and Management for IT Professionals then maybe you'll have more business opportunities if you decide to go that way
you'll have the advantage of being able to communicate with bankers and finance people and understand their needs
but again, not all CSIT programs are like that
here's one with a few business courses
go here
and click on
to see the list of courses at Northeastern University needed for CSIT
you'll see all it requires is 2 semesters of College Algebra and one course in Discrete Mathematics
of course some universities might require a semester of calculus, but it's almost always a MUCH lighter math load than Computer Science
and while Northeastern University does have some business courses, they still have plenty of great computer courses
and here's a school where they focus less on business
they don't teach accounting and finance, but focus more on the computer courses
but they still don't go into the depth of computers and math that a "Computer Science" degree would
Colorado Tech
you see they require 3 math courses, but still very basic
and you can see they also have specializations
CTU offers focused specializations for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree to better prepare you to excel in this competitive field. Choose the option below that best supports your educational goals.
Data Management
Network Management
Software Application Programming
Software Systems Engineering
Web Development
General Specialization
so if you go back to the link for Colorado and scroll down and look on the left column you'll see links for the curriculum for
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Data Management Specialization
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Network Management Specialization
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Security Specialization
and the other specializations
Information Technology is a great career choice that is easy on the math