Below are some interviews shared by people who applied at FACTSET.
SWE Interview Anonymous Employee- Interview Details – Not a CS major but got invited; first round phone interview asked for some sorting algorithm; second round C++ code review + design a game on white board + interview on data structure and took a whole day; not really what I am interested in but it is nice that they reimburse everything! Interview Question – code review didn't give Java option? Just memory questions that can be derived by glancing at website. Be able to explain answers that involve steps and methods clearly
Software Engineer Norwalk, CTI -Interview Details – The process was professionally by the HR. I chose C++ as my primary language. 1. A thorough introduction to their products.2. Code walk through. The triangle (mentioned by a few other candidates) class with a zillion errors. Easy , you have to watch for dummy loops and wasted function calls.3. Data structures and algorithms. Trees, graphs and basic sorting.4. C++ language and OOPS. Couple of newbies asked me trick questions with virtual destructors etc. Was asked to implement atoi function. Then discussed design for a chess game.5. Lunch 6. A happy conversation with their head of engineering.7. Perfunctory HR interview.Interview Question – Nothing unexpected. Construct trees given the node orders
Senior Software Engineer New York I applied employee referral process took 4 Interview Details – The initial phone interview was rather straightforward, but the interviewer was kind of short and arrogant. Normal CS-theory questions about Big-O running times for specific algorithms and what sorting methods would be optimal given a set of data.The on-site interviews were 4 back to back interviews with two being engineering topics (algorithms and data structures was the first, in-depth system designs the second). The other two were personality and HR tests, if you consider those to be real interviews (which, I guess they are). Question – How would you implement a relational database schema where the only method acceptable is to store data using plain-text files?
Software Engineer Interviewed at FactSet Interview Details – phone basics of oops how to implement circular queue?onsite-1.code review Chose from C,C++,Java. I chose Java. They give you a triangle class to point out design errors and compilation errors. They give you 10 minutes to read the code. Code is 3 pages long. Some of the common mistakes which I found were : One function was useless, one object was not initialized but was being passed as a parameter, a function which converts upper case letter to lower case letter does not function correctly, character array not initialized, some functions takes integers as input but if you enter a negative number, that kind of exception is not handled round -Given a c++ code, tell what it prints. Basically there are 2 classes. The second class inherits the first class. Both classes have constructors and virtual destructors. So when object is created, you need to say if base class is called or inherited class is called. Also, note that there is no option of java in this round. So you have to know C/C++ if you want to clear this round.Design any game - like everyone I chose chess. Just provide layout, like basic classes and functions, and how each class would interact with the other class.3. Technical coding round-Add two numbers represented in 2 linked lists where each digit represents a node in linked list. Digits are stored in reverse order like if the number is 123, the linked list is 3->2->1->null. The result should be a linked list as well.Given the preorder and inorder traversal orders of a tree, how would you reconstruct the tree?4. Lunch-You get to go out with 2 software engineers of your team and ask them any questions about company. This is an informal session but are evaluating you.5. Director interview-Many behavioral questions view your resume. Beware - the director was a software engineer expert in C++. not any non-IT guy who can be impressed by using technical words. He understands all the technical details of your projects be clear when you are talking to him.6. HR interview-Basically they ask you how was your day and how did each interviewer treat you. They note down your feedback and if have any questions.
Software Engineer Norwalk, CT -Interview Details – 1.1 hour technical phone interview-basic about C++,algorithms,data structures 2.Onsite interview request after 1 week 3.At onsite:1. code review of a triangle class in C++, 2.OOP concepts questions,design a tennis board game, 3. write a code to add 2 reversed link lists and return the reversed link list 4.write a code to detect a cycle in a directory structure, 5.HR interview 4.done for the day -Interview Question – except for the code review and tennis board design game