I have programmed in c/c++ and Java(JSP, Servlete, Swing, RMI, Thread) .. When I was doing Engineering ( Information Technology branch) I made academics project in c/c++ and Java... I worked with a company for 1 month on PHP…I have little knowledge of PHP…Currently I am doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization )... I want to make a career in a Robust Technology Platform ... I mean the technology which is used widely across the industry and gives max $... I had interest in Server Side Web Programming (Using Java) and Desktop Application (Using c/c++ , Java )… I found some answer while I browsed Yahoo answer to find answer for my query, but I all those Questions was asked 3 or 4 year ago… I want advice that what is I should go for (PHP or JAVA or C/C++) in today’s scenario … One more thing I want stability and good salary from the job in return…